ANNAPOLIS, MD (March 2, 2023) – The United States Coast Guard (USCG) and American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC) have announced a date and opened registration for the next free online USCG/ABYC Risk Mitigation Series. The fourth webinar of the risk mitigation series will be “Staying Current with Electrification” held May 3, 2023 from 2-4 p.m. EDT. USCG and ABYC speakers will cover the current state of electrification, from existing policy to what we might expect in the future.
“If you attend any boat show it’s clear that electrification is here,” said Brian Goodwin ABYC Technical Director. “While there are no new electric propulsion related standards or regulations being published in 2023, this upcoming webinar with the USCG will help clear up some misconceptions about this evolving technology.”
More information about the agenda will be released this month. To register free, please visit abycinc.org/riskmitigation.
The USCG/ABYC Risk Mitigation Series are recurring online events dedicated to reducing the risk involved in designing and building recreational boats. These events are free and recorded. To view past recordings, see below:
Series 1—Regulations and Electrification
Series 3—Defect Notification and Product Recalls
Since 1954, the nonprofit American Boat & Yacht Council (ABYC) has developed safety standards for boat design, construction, equipage, repair and maintenance. The essential global source of marine industry technical information, ABYC’s product safety standards, credentialing, education, training, and other tools help members make boating safer.
The mission of the Coast Guard’s Office of Auxiliary and Boating Safety is to minimize the loss of life, personal injury, property damage, and environmental impact associated with the use of recreational boats, through preventive means, in order to maximize safe use and enjoyment of U.S. Waterways by the public